Freedom Through Love

Rediscover intimacy and love for yourself, and with your family, and partner(s).

Relationship Therapy for Couples and Families Burlingame • California

You are independent. For as long as you can remember, you’ve been on a solo journey - you’ve worked hard to achieve what you’ve earned and in many ways you’ve done it. You’ve excelled. Despite your hard work and successes, you may still be feeling frustrated, dissatisfied, or stuck in your relationships with your loved ones. You may find yourself caught in the same conflict over and over again, experiencing issues with intimacy, or feeling lonely and unloved.

The root of these challenges come from an interplay of societal and cultural forces, intergenerational pain, and personal experiences. This is where therapy comes in - it can help you explore why you're feeling the way you do and what’s getting in the way of having the relationships you want.

In therapy, we'll create a safe and loving space to understand how these various elements manifest in your relationships. We'll work together to identify your relational strengths and build a toolbox of coping skills, awareness, and compassion. Our goal is to help you acknowledge the origin of your relational needs, practice new ways to respond, and come from a mindset of love to engage in healthier relationships.

Our approach to therapy is rooted in the belief that the essence of healing lies within our capacity to love and be loved. When we love truly and are truly loved, we unlock the support, care, and empathy that allows us to live authentically and freely.

Together, we'll rediscover and redefine the meaning of love while practicing acceptance and compassion for yourself and others. I am a witness in this journey and will help you draw on your internal resources.

If you're ready to adventure through your relational world and work towards building the relationship you desire, schedule an appointment today.

Our Services

What Happens Next?

  • 1. Schedule

    Book a complimentary 20 minute consultation.

  • 2. Phone Call

    During our 20 minute Zoom call, we’ll briefly discuss your hopes and goals in therapy and get a sense of whether we’re a good match for each other.

  • 3. Paperwork

    If it feels like a good fit, we will schedule a date for our initial session and our admin will help you set up your EHR account to send over paperwork.

    This needs to be completed before your first session.

  • 4. Initial Session

    In our initial session, we will review informed consent paperwork, what led you to seek out therapy services, and begin to get to know one another.

You might qualify for Reimbursement…

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